1500 Watt MBIL
1500 Watt MBIL is a Metal Halide with remote ballast Product Code: 1500MBIL
1500 Watt MBIL is a Metal Halide with remote ballast Product Code: 1500MBIL
400 Watt Metal Halide, With 16amp Weatherproof Cee 17 Plug Product Code: 400MH
4×500 Watt Light Tower : Flood 犀利士5mg Lights, Mounted on a 3m Pole. Product Code: 4×500
Weatherproof Fluorescent Light 1.5m Weatherproof fluorescent with 16amp input and 16amp output
150 Watt Metal Halide with Barn Doors Product Code: 150MH必利勁
500 Watt Flood Light , Halogen Product Code: 500FL
800 Watt Sunflood Lighting , Halogen Product Code: 800FL
Exit Light with Battery 犀利士 Backup.
Flexiarm Spot 100 Watt Flexible arm spot with 100 Watt lamp Product Code: Flexiarm
Long Arm Spot 50 Watt 230 Volt This spot is designed to fit over exhibition panels. Product Code: Armspot
Par 56 Parcan 300 Watt Product Code: Par56
Par 64 Parcan 1000 Watt Product Code: Par64